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  Bonjour--Hello from Ireland

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 Bonjour--Hello from Ireland Empty
MessageSujet: Bonjour--Hello from Ireland    Bonjour--Hello from Ireland Icon_minitimeLun 26 Déc 2011 - 9:07

RENOMAD a écrit:
Can somebody please Translate into French.

My name is John from Ireland.
Smile I currently have a 1979 15GTL which I use quite often,,but now I would also like to get a 17 to keep my 15 company.Can somebody help me?
I would like a nice solid car with little corrosion that I can just get in and drive straight away.
It does not have to be a concours car---just a good one.,,but must be Decovrable.



John Wink

ps---I work in a Renault Dealership in Ireland
I also keep 15GTL,,16TS,,18TS.
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